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  • Writer's pictureCradle of Wonders Reborns

She's Done! Full Body Silicone Baby

Updated: May 14, 2019

I am very happy to announce the birth of my new full body silicone baby girl, Charlize Mikaela! I have just finished painting her and couldn't be more in love. I do love how realistic she feels. Welcome to the world Charly.

To see more photos of this precious beauty, simply go to the gallery of this website or view the video on YouTube. Thanks for visiting the nursery!

Just a note** I am an EOSA (Equal Opportunity Silicone Artist). I do not discriminate against anyone based on the silicone baby you have purchased. It is ultimately YOUR DECISION how you spend YOUR money. No other person should tell another how to spend their money, then bully them for that decision. Nor should a collector be bullied into selling off their collection in order to fit in and be 'accepted' by such bullies. To each their own. Be your own judge.

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